Life is like a PC, when things get a little clogged up it needs to be reformatted. That is the way life goes. When things get you bogged down and your spirit seems heavy, try letting God reformat your hard drive ie (your brain) We are reminded in the word to let God renew our minds. Reformat the way we think. We need to fill our spirit with the word of God. The Bible teaches us that heaven and earth will pass away but God's word will never pass away.
Change our stinkin thinkin! I just need to be still because I can only hear in the calm of His presence!
When my pc gets clogged with junk...and has to be reformatted I can pick and choose what I need to I am wondering..if I reformatt
my brain..what can I use to save my important little things...Oh that's right..we have this section in our brain it is called (good to save)
He Says "Be still and know I am near"
Mandy, Is that you need to be still or the ones around you..
you need to get a new layout like everyone else they have some really cools ones that you will like
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